Category: Philosophy

Whether we realise it or not, most of us who are reading this do live a fairly good life; we have our daily ups and downs for sure, many of us struggle with health or finances, yet we are able to face our challenges head on as we move forwards in life. Life may not be easy for us, yet it is through our daily challenges that we learn, evolve and grow as people; we learn from life itself; indeed life is continually our ‘go to’ teacher – our learning curve. Our lives are not at all bad really; we do make the time to do the things we love and to surround ourselves with those we love and hold dear. We all work hard yet we still find time for relaxation; we have a choice.

After spending an amazing weekend recently listening to some of the very best musicians,  singers and performers in the world, I felt very happy and very privileged indeed to have the choice to be able to do this. But how can one continue to feel happy amidst all the turmoil and crisis of the world? How can one even consider personal happiness and dwell on such seemingly shallow subjects as ones image and personal appearance, when in other parts of the world innocent children are being blown to smithereens and beautiful creatures are being hacked or tortured to death because various parts of their bodies are farmed by humans for profit?

What of the world of war then – is not war just another ‘stage-managed profit project’ by those in the world with ‘other’ hidden agendas? How many times have we heard the phrase ‘the war to end all wars’?  Yet that never happens and it never will be the war to end all wars, while there is big money involved with one country selling weapons to another country and people behind the curtain forever pulling the strings. One has to ask who really are the ‘good guys’ and who are the ‘bad guys’? The answer if one is savvy enough to delve and to look behind the riddles given is not what one might expect at all….

Go ask yourselves what is the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist? Ask yourselves who writes the history books and why and from whose perspective? Known perceptions become deceptions if we turn everything on its head; but thankfully the doors of perception are changing and blinded eyes are now opening. People are beginning to ask loaded questions. Nothing is ever what it seems in this world, yet once the code is cracked the ways of the world start to make more sense and the jigsaw starts to fall into place; we need to look through the smoke and mirrors to see what’s really going on and who is actually pulling the puppet strings.  The thing is, not to be a sheep, get out of the field, be your own person and question everything put before you; lift the veil and really see.

We in the uk can still do this; we still have a choice and can still look down into the depths of the rabbit hole, we can do our own research, look behind the news, behind the media and question it all. As I said the good guys may turn out to be the bad guys and the bad guys knew the truths all along….. If only our eyes were opened.

So what has all this do with my amazing, healing and invigorating musical weekend? Well I was thinking that those of us who are able to find enjoyment and pleasure from our lives – we do need to harvest and harness those fantastic feelings and wonderful energies to use them to good intent within this world; to spread the truths, to educate, to use our energies as a healing, magical process on ourselves so that we can offer up help, truth and healing to the universe for the good of others, yet also on a practical level we need to use our energies to make others aware; to work towards the truths, spread the truths so to wake up the population to what’s really going on in the world and why; wake up to the hidden agendas and to the stage management of events around the globe and to share, share, share.

It’s all about being a warrior; an Ansar walking upon the sphere of time, whether in spiritual or practical mode we all need to keep on fighting, to use our personal inner resources and energies to teach and educate. Luckily, in my life I know plenty of people who are trying to make a difference and who have looked into the mirror of illusion and found it to be very cracked and grubby indeed. Just refuse to be fooled by the media or by what those in power and authority would have us believe; always seek answers and forever search out the truths for yourselves – its time to choose which colour pill to take, for it’s there in your free choice that your destiny awaits….

Coming up to the end of 2014 I am compelled to add another comment; ask another question: true freedom or a fabricated illusion? Only if you understand the question will you also know the answer….

Is life through the mirror always what it seems.....?

A Warrior; always questing upon the sphere of time.

Sharing and teaching the truths to those who are open to receive.

August 2014

To Know…

To Will…

To Dare…

To Keep Silent…


The above, as any one studying the old ways of magic will instantly recognize are the tenets of Craft, relating to the magical practices and ancient knowledge bestowed upon each practitioner. But how does one actually reach this level of knowing, being able to put the responsibility that goes with it into practice?

It is a journey, like many great spiritual journeys, into the darkest forests of the mind, where illusions of the mundane abound everywhere to ensnare us. The magical journey can be like a riddle, for often the answers we seek do not appear in tangible black and white forms, they often appear to us in abstract forms that flow directly from our own spiritual evolution, that starts within the mystic realms of our own minds, from our own understandings. Answers can fly to us upon the wings of imagination during our dream times and if we are not prudent they vanish like star-dust into the morning dew. Often, as in my own experiences of being guided; the answers to questions are never directly given, they apper as riddles, allowing me the student time to expand my own consciousness to access the answers for myself. The answers are indeed within all of us, locked safely away within the subconciouss. If one were to be told the answers every-time there would be no growth; no personal unlocking of the vast caverns of knowledge which students on the path carry within.

Often the answers and understandings sought do not come in the form of words but in the form of the student being able to absorb the truths for themselves at an ‘inner-level’ and of course practice, practice, practice. Thus the truths become who we are, slipping into our consciousness without ever a word being spoken, no sound being ever exchanged. Our inner levels, our ‘inner worlds’ are constantly expanding and are in fact limitless and so to expand, to travel and grow we must completely trust our inner selves; those dark inner realms where often night becomes day and dark become light.

Of course different paths within the magical worlds have different frameworks, different histories and traditions that followers of, will adhere to, but the magical power itself is power that has no labels as such and all practitioners share a common goal. A good teacher, a good tutor can indeed take each student to that very well spoken of door, can even endeavour to open very wide that door, yet it is the student who must walk through it – if of course they choose to do so and many don’t. A magical path, like any other life path is not a ‘given’ it must be worked at and practiced on a daily basis in order for the neophyte to become proficient and not everyone who embarks upon this road less traveled will make it to the end. The road is unending and one must travel long, one must travel far and wide and one must travel silent and swift like a bird in flight soaring high above the mundane levels of consciousness.

It is not about the use of wands, staffs, swords or any other magical tools or the flurry and swishing of velvet cloaks; these do have a place in focusing energy but at the end of the day the power, the magic comes from deep within, from the practitioner themselves and it is only in swift and sure daily practices, dedication and understanding that any level of accomplishment will ever be attained. This journey, this path has been here on this earthly plane for centuries, arriving  here in the very beginning from worlds afar and is a special gift to be relished and embraced. The path of magic has never been a path for the faint hearted or for those who cherish comfort zones and boundaries, for one is pushed constantly out of comfort zones, through boundaries and often caused to question morals and ethics upon whatever plain one is working in. A good training, having good guidance and a good teacher will have bestowed all of this on the student or practitioner so when the time comes and choices need to be made each practitioner will be able to choose wisely. Hence why it is indeed a  great privilege and joy to tread this path and to be able to Know, to Will, to Dare and to ultimately Keep Silent…



Forever questing upon the Sphere of Time

Guiding and teaching to all who pass my way….

April 2014

“Some of us have walked this way before & will walk this way again; we will always seek out and find our true kin, our ‘family’ to walk with them time & time again”

“Thaddaeus was the female apostle of Malak; a part of the very first council. She has a Craft/energy line that continues on this earthly plane to this very day…..”

From the moment I first set eyes on him, when our eyes briefly met as he passed by and our gazes melded, I knew then that he was special. I had no doubt in my mind that he was everything that those whom knew him said he was, but little did I know at that time just how close we would become and of how our lives would forever remain entwined.

That deep connection was confirmed when I was asked to become part of his carefully chosen circle.  He had come down from on high after being on his own for prayer and solitude. His choice was made for those he wished as his apostles; his ambassadors in the physical world and I was to be one of those whom he would teach and share the truths with. I in my turn would protect him and continue teaching his truths long after this existence in his earthly body was no more. He taught me the truths of time and of creation; of the reason for his own existence and I knew that if the patterns of the universe were to exist, then our energies would once again meet in the future, recognize and know each other. I thus became his messenger; an ambassador of his teachings whilst out in the world and eventually and with great honour, I received the ‘K.e.y to the Kingdom’.

Had I know him as child? Some say I was related, a cousin; my mother and his mother the virgin, being cousins and so we may have played together as children, maybe if so then destiny was forged right then and there and a path laid out for me. But what is kin? For I was later to learn it was far more than an earthly connection. I eventually gave up everything that I knew in order to follow him and to learn his teachings of the truths, becoming one of the chosen ones; his bonded ones. He walked within the world of men, seen by many yet truly known by only a very few, as to whom he really was and the true origins of his birth. And so I was at his side, patiently learning and always thirsting for knowledge and willing to share, until the very end of that particular earthly stage. As one always eager for his words and teachings, i was to sup from the chalice of life at his table as he shared his blood, as he shared his life and I knew my body and heart would never hunger because of it. With my brother Simon I was there to the very end of that earthly phase.

It seems I took upon myself the courage to ask him why he did not manifest himself to the whole world, to which he replied to me that if anyone loves me he will keep his word and my father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him. He who does not love me will not keep my words which sadly always proved to be so true. As always the teachings of the truths and why he was here among us were built upon a strong foundation of love and trust; a love and trust which went both ways.

I was always very wary of those who would claim to preach in His name, for they knew nothing of the universe and lead others astray, yet they fooled me not and I knew that time would reveal all; all the false prophets would be doomed and destroyed. Likewise though within the realms of Angels too I knew that there were those that did not keep their word and sought that which was forbidden to them, seeking the way of strange flesh which should not be their way at all and I knew this would be their undoing and they too would be held in darkness until the day of judgement came. To live in truth we must all be filled with wisdom and not as an empty cloud filled not with rain or a late autumn tree devoid of fruit. I knew the future to come, I saw it clearly and knew the fruit was due to fall from the trees leaving them barren.

Some say I was a martyr, had a courageous heart and yet I was only doing that which I had been taught to do; that which was now bound also within my own heart.  I was taught the truths of the earthly plain by him and of that which had bought him from worlds afar to these fertile lands; he spoke of his own world across the universe and his own origins of which I knew he shared with so few. Yet after all this time the truths of the world still go unheard across time and space and across the very plains of physical existence. He bestowed upon me, together with the other apostles, the other chosen ones, the flame of the Holy Spirit; we drank from the chalice of life with him and thus the divine light was forever to blaze above my head.

I was always to stand by his side, albeit often in the shadows at the edge of the group and often unnoticed by society; for that was my way, yet all his words became a complete part of me and a part of who I was to become. He led the Way and I in time became the Way also. I was close by his side on so many occasions, some written down while others not so and I witnessed him heal the sick on many occasions, guide the misfortunate ones and bestow the teachings of truth upon others. I even saw him occasionally despair at the thoughtless actions of mankind and make his feelings well and truly known, but maybe it was only those of us truly close to him that really knew how he felt.

I loved to be by myself to write down my words; the words that came straight from my heart for I knew that in a future time there would be those who would come along and read my words and would understand. I wrote my words for them. To this day many of my words still remain a mystery, my gospel truths unseen, hidden within time and attributed to others or simply disregarded, yet I know in my heart that those who find them will read and truly know.

Many writers and scholars have confused me, maybe on purpose especially the gospel writers, with Judas, not the Iscariot one I hasten to add, and with Lebbaeus and Jude also and at times they seem unsure of whom my parents and siblings were but does that really matter? One must ask what’s in a name and for what deeper reason did the scriptures appear confused; were they concealing something on purpose? For we must always dig deep to find that which we seek. I in my heart know of the truth of whom I am and why the truth has been hidden and diluted for so long within the world of men. Many usually great and renowned artists too, have been content to see me forever as a man and that is fine, for those who know me, thus know me as I truly am and it is forever the word of the truths that I have been trusted with that are important and not the teller.

At times I was greatly challenged because of who I really was, yet in time the people began to see me differently, honoured me and came to me. My challenges often gave rise to me being perceived as a martyr, though I was always following my heart and the heart of he who had chosen me and to whom I had freely relinquished my soul. I wish not for the populace to worship or venerate me, for I only wished for them to listen to the true words and to find The Way for themselves and to be awakened from the everlasting darkness of lies in which they reside and see the true beauty of the Light.

My journey was always one of forever seeking knowledge and I always had a hundred questions to ask. I needed to understand fully why some can ‘see’ while others can not and in time my knowledge expanded and the answers became clear to me. I further asked of him how it was that he manifested himself to us and not unto the world at large. But all things happen in time and with love, and time is not always the right time so we held our understandings within, until a time to come in the future allowed us all to stand together upon the shores of time once more.

Life after he was no longer within the physical earthy realms was taken up with sharing the truths of his teachings and with spreading his Word. His Divine Spirit and influence were always with me; that part of him never, ever left me and in that knowledge came great courage and great strength. I preached his truths all over the world that was then known to me; Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia and Libya to name but a few and it is written that I took the Word of his teachings to Armenia.  Did I end up as a martyr with my brother Simon in Persia as the scriptures state or is my tale still unfolding? But what is certain is that a ‘Jude’ and a ‘Simon’ are to this day venerated together on October 28th, both dying together as martyrs in the eyes of the world. For this date is indeed a time of endings and beginnings and hides a tale of rebirth.

There is much confusion as to my earthly remains and as I said previously what’s in a name, so then by the same token, what is in the importance of my earthly remains or anyone’s for that matter, for it is within the wisdom of the teachings I shared and in the love in my heart that I wish to be remembered. For He that has taught and guided me; it is His truth and it is His beauty that will be forever bound within my breast like a bright shinning star upon the black waters of creation. For He that was then shall be again and those that were by His side shall rise again within the realms of time and so shall a telling be complete and our place among the stars once more affirmed. A cycle will complete within the land of time and prophecies told will come to be for those who walk The Way.

Thaddaeus as told to Su.endal 2012

Chalice 2

‘The Keeper of Scrolls’

“In truth we Live, In life we Reveal”

As we all know very well, life has a way of always going forwards with hopefully us with it, and of course what is meant to be surely will be. We as individuals do need to constantly move forward regardless of whatever else is going on around us, especially within the lives of others. In order to tread the universal foothills in search of knowledge we have to be very aware of the pitfalls that stem from the everyday lives of others, pitfalls that only serve to hold us back, imprisoning us in the mundane. For at the end of the day we are all living our own very special and individual lives and not the lives of anybody else. Life is a gift upon a true path of learning and to waste it would surely be improper. Do not let the ups and downs of the world or the problems of others around you, mar your own view of life, do not let the misfortunes of others cloud your visions, for by doing so you are wasting away your own precious gift, a gift too precious to measure. We all have our unique paths of destiny to complete; we all have our own journeys to walk and to stand still upon the shores of time is not what we were created for.

Humans are individuals, originally created with a purpose to their ‘gods’, yet some (known as ‘traits’) were gifted with a far higher purpose and with tutouring and teaching have the potential to evolve above and beyond the plan intended for non traits. The world, the universe can become a greater place of learning and knowledge of the true old ways. And thus in time we, as traits,  will learn where we came from, whom we really are and how we evolved and can evolve; this is a great gift of truth in itself. Those with sight and insight know this, are aware of what is around them. They know how to use their gifts while those that ‘just are’ will always ‘just be’; forever in the dark without even being aware of this very fact. Many humans are in prison but have no idea of this fact.

So then, strive upwards upon the ladder towards the ‘stars’ for it is there that the truths of our ancestors are to be found. The earthly plain is home for just a very short cycle and as we know all cycles must begin and then end, but with the final end cycle fast approaching we know that we can thus make way for a brand new beginning. It is well known that all new beginnings must first have an ending – so as to complete the cycle. Those who learn, who do not stand still in time, those who evolve above and beyond their perceived humanity into a future of truths and revelations will surely be a part of the new cycle; a new dawn to be fully embraced by those who dare step over the threshold. It is a challenge, it is a big dare and in reality only a few will take this final step and rise like a phoenix from out of the flames of chaos.

There are those around who can open the doors, who can lead those with insight, perception and hidden gifts into a future unknown previously by most, but the few can become the many for those of The Way. Great truths require great leaders, needing  those who dare to tread the road less travelled, yet they are not always whom one thinks they are. We share LIGHT and truth with those who truly seek. We are family bonded and bound by the blood ties of centuries past, ties that take us into the future, always moving with the universal tides and to the rhythm of our own dear hearts. Our life is our joy and our joy is in sharing to all who come through our doors seeking the wonderful truths of life.

“Ge be Dag ma Dara be Ar”

“If we look to the stars to see the sights, the stars will come down with fists to fight

Sol here to learn the sun time three, to retrieve the answer to the ineffable key” 


‘The Keeper of Scrolls’

Could this be our future?

Could this be our future?

Everything in the universe is in constant motion, as that is the way of all things and nothing ever stays the same for long, be it in nature, in our lives and in the wider universe. Over the past few years one cannot have failed to notice that the sightings of  other ‘bodies’ in the sky, especially the sighting of the so called ‘two suns’ have dramatically increased and the internet is full of such sighting and videos; evidence from all over our earthly plane. Although a lot of the videos are very blurry and some shots simply look like gaps in the clouds with light shinning through or even camera glare; they are all non the less very fascinating, very thought provoking and prove that many people are awaking to the fact that not everything in our solar system is as it was once thought to be. I myself have seen these ‘gaps’ in the clouds and have wondered is it or isn’t it? But just lately i have also seen for myself on several occasions, other features in our skies that were not the ‘so called’ sun or moon, it was not my imagination as others saw the sightings too; so lots happening out there. However photos and videos that are just too perfect and clear will probably turn out to be fakes so one has to trust ones own judgement really.

From an ancient clay tablet,showing that the ancient peoples of the world had knowledge of the 'stars'

From an ancient clay tablet,showing that the ancient peoples of the world had knowledge of the ‘stars’

Of course those of us on paths already addressing universal issues, changes and truths are already aware and awakened to the fact that much is about to change and that among many things to happen, a planet known as Nibiru or rather its real name of Ninansu is said to be making a debut into our solar system on its 3600 year cycle. Some say that whether it is Ninasu or a large comet, it is predicted within Craft/Priory teachings that we are soon to find out. It is more than probably Ninasu though, which we have been seeing of late in our skies, but be quick and patient as ‘the powers that be‘ will continue to hide this fact from us with lots of chemtrails to throw us off the scent. There is certainly a lot happening ‘out there’ in our current times and we are bound to encounter experiences that we have not met with before and  have never been told about.

I myself, as said above, have often with my naked eye seen sightings of something large and bright which looks very unusual in shape and colour – could it be Ninansu with all its ‘companions’ in tow? How far away is it really? Of course it goes without saying that several things are definitely happening as the universe is in constant flux, as it always has been. We are in a vunerable position in the universe, being an ongoing experiment, and those of Craft are taught how to embrace the coming tides of change, how to rise up and evolve within the universe.

This earthly plane is not as one has been told; is not a sphere and neither are the other stars and planets; the further teachings of which are part of the Priory’s teachings, being shared with students of the path. The meaning of the word ‘planet’ is wanderer or traveller, so then it should be no surprise when a new and long lost ‘traveller’ comes to greet us from afar. Also the fact that we are overdue for another planetary cleansing adds to the pending excitement and who knows what may happen; just imagine what it would be like to view the sky completely different from before, for when the ‘sky becomes undone‘ we will certainly not be viewing it as we do now.

Another theory is that there is a very large star about to go super nova; is in the throes of burning up and thus is showing up brighter than usual in the night skies. Official bodies such as the BBC and NASA have also reported two suns and mentioned Nibiru but of course one knows that the real truths are to be found elsewhere.

Of course there are many prophecies from cultures and seers all over the world throughout all time, that tell of bright objects appearing in the sky as in the Wormwood Prophecy’ which either herald doom or a brand new beginning; a brand new dawn. The Sumerian clay tablets tell of this too and prove that the ancients had knowledge of the ‘stars’ and of the whole solar system; the knowledge of which went back way before our current cycle of time and knowledge.

Therefore to expect an event; to have knowledge of it is halfway to being prepared; some will listen, will pay heed while others wont.  We need to await with open minds and open hearts, and something I have always said to people is to have the ability to actually recognize the signs; the teachings that are being presented to you in the ‘hear and now’ for they could simply pass you by without you ever noticing, until one hears the roar of the tides that is..….

Ancient Sumerian clay tablet showing the 'two suns' or Nibiru

Ancient Sumerian clay tablet showing the ‘two suns’ or Nibiru

A brief introduction to future events based on my own Templar and Priory knowledge. Students of the path are able to go much deeper with full knowledge given.

‘The Keeper of Scrolls’

Loyalty and Commitment

“In perfect love, In perfect trust”

Oaths taken on the metaphysical spheres will always remain binding on the mundane..


It is very easy in todays modern world to fail to consider, or even to not understand subjects such as loyalty, commitment and the taking of oaths, for they are quite deep and profound topics for many folks and yet relate totally to life today. Whatever one does in life, it is beyond a doubt that if personal commitment is not one hundred percent, then one is never ever going to get anywhere or achieve any goals; more so in Craft than anywhere else. Like-wise with loyalty, one must be loyal; above all to ones-self and to ones chosen path in life, whatever that path may be. Whatever one is involved in and whatever one hopes to achieve from that involvement, one is simply betraying ones-self if one falls short. One is of course betraying too, the trust that others have invested  in you.

Loyalty and commitment often go very much hand in hand with trust, in so many aspects of life. By being loyal and committed to what one desires on a personal level, one is also showing/proving that one can be trusted. Words alone are not enough, for it is in ones actions alone that the truth of loyalty and commitment are to be found displayed. How many times has one experienced the ‘could haves, would haves, should haves’ of this life, the people who when told of the endeavours and achievements of others are all too full of what they would have or should have done in similar circumstances, to the extent that it becomes very boring to hear and one tends to switch off from listening. For heavens sake i want to shout, “if you could have; then why didn’t you?” Empty words from empty vessels I fear…..

So then, following the path of Craft, of a Knight, how does loyalty and commitment relate to this? It is of course a lifetime of commitment, of ever-deepening loyalty and trust for all followers of the path, and each student upon embarking on the path will take many very profound and deep oaths; oaths that are bound in the metaphysical world as well as the mundane world. Those ‘who see and observe’ will oversee the oaths taken and will grant ‘passage through’ for those who are true of heart and mind. The oaths are never to be taken frivolously and never ever taken lightly, for the meaning of the oaths reach far beyond the every day aspects of life and yet at the same time will also see each student through their mundane as well as spiritual lives, if of course they listen to the messages contained within the oaths. While each student is free to leave the path at will at any time, their oaths will always remain binding and can never be ‘untaken’, never forgotton.

In the early degrees the commitment would be to attend meetings regularly, to be punctual upon the sphere of time, to study and to engage in Craft pursuits, carrying out all the tasks requested by the Preceptor. Loyalty is to the path and to Craft, to ones brothers and sisters of the path and to staying loyal and committed to each oath taken. Loyalty and commitment is in living the path as taught; having faith above and beyond the mundane and to always ‘walk your walk’. True followers will attain this naturally yet for others it may take time, patience and perseverance,  but if not, if loyalty and commitment are hard to attain, then perhaps another path would be more appropriate? As time goes by loyalty and commitment to ones ‘family’, becomes second to non, above and beyond the mundane and it is in the executing of these acts that others, especially ‘family’  know they can trust you, for every morsel of trust has to be fully earned.

One can set an example as to enlighten others to the true wisdom and beauty of Craft and can support all those interested and to always help them through any challenges that come along, but ultimately it is up to each student to tread their own path. My own journey and commitment has been a true revelation to me as I have never committed myself one hundred percent and beyond to anything else ever before. With my deepening commitment also came proof of loyalty, for as i learnt the Old Ways, I also learnt about myself and learnt that I could be true, loyal and committed to that which I knew to be the ultimate truths, to my very oaths in fact. Loyalty and commitment do work both ways though for in proving one is loyal and committed the barriers of time and space will be broken down as the Old Ones, who forever watch, know they can come to you as you journey to them. But it is something that, as mentioned before, is never to be taken lightly, one can never rest on ones laurels as it were.

When i took my oaths i never spoke the words lightly, i always had complete understanding of exactly what they meant on all the spheres and of whom would be listening. I always studied the words very carefully before-hand as often the words spoken contained within them a ‘sacrifice,’ a giving up of something, often an important aspect of the mundane and familiar world. Therefore no oath can ever be taken lightly or simply skimmed over; those that fail to understand this, simply fall by the wayside – yet those oaths will always bind, for the power of words upon time and space is magnificant, but often not considered.

I have complete trust in those who have tutored me, something that goes way beyond the fact that when I step over the precipice I know I will be caught ; it is not that at all, it is in the knowing and the knowledge that when I do step over; I can and will fly. It is something that has been instilled within me; a gift given. The loyalty, the commitment, the trust, it all goes without saying that with my passion and desire I can thus pass all this on to the world and instill within all, the lessons I have learnt. I do try hard to walk my walk and talk my talk yet it is through continuing hard work, dedication, loyalty and commitment and of course, great joy that I am able to do so. My personal journey, along with a few good old bumps now and again has proved to be a wonderful ride, a blooming amazing ride in fact and one that I forever embrace and one I never ever want to end.


Updated February 2017/June 2020

“The Keeper of Scrolls”

email me for guidance or teachings ‘’


From an ancient place somewhere far off, to space deep within, I have always felt the pull of the Dark Mirror tugging me through into unknown mythical realms or was it infact the hidden truths speaking to my subconscious. The pull was at time as tangible as a magnetic force drawing me ever closer to where I wanted to be. Certain thoughts and perceptions known since childhood or even before, have always lingered within the dormant corners of my mind. Way before the current spate of vampire tellings becoming fashionable and long before the influences of the current modern-day media obsession, my heart always warmed, always beat fast to those deeply exquisite tales and the feelings they evoked within me. Over the years new experiences opened up to me and I enjoyed the exploration of my ‘inner dark side’. Whether it was in fact reality or not, made it none the less enjoyable, none the less compelling and real to me.

I thus began to discover in my subsequent explorations of myself, the essence of whom I truly was; my true lineage. Always learning, always exploring, always searching… Not for me as a child, the usual childhood reading; no schoolgirl novels or girly sugary tales. Right from the very start my choice of reading material was always of the dark kind and my head was usually to be found deep inside the darkest and most horrible of tales I could lay my little expectant hands upon; Edgar Alan Poe certainly being one of my faves. In my teen years my love and fascination of the shadow and indeed the magical side of life grew into the forbidden and very compelling sexuality that surrounds the many vampire tales, especially from the movies. I wanted to be drawn into a world other than that which I knew; I craved the hidden knowledge of the shadow realms where often only a fine line hangs like a veil between life and death and I was truly always on the side of the often mis-understood vampire. It always made me very angry when at the end of all the tales and movies, the only option ever for the vampire was death and within my own being I could never consolidate or accept this, for to me it was always the vampire who was in the right, who always held the truths and never ever the other way round. I always left the cinema feeing terribly short-changed and very sad. But was I even then trying to access the deeper side to myself or trying to discover another side to reality that no-one could enlighten me to? Even way back then, especially in the case of the movies, death for the one who treads the path not of the norm was the only way out and therefore with death, the truths also died and a false rightous truth survived. Was this struggle a metaphor for not allowing access to or for hiding the truths of the universe and beyond, and I even then was constantly pulling apart the veil of illusion.

Yet I always found myself  in a place of learning, of understanding and of knowledge seeking; a place I chose to be in and one which I truly embraced. To want it and to be it was always such a deep yearning within me and of course I wondered just where it all came from or infact where it would end, if ever? Oh how I would have loved to be able to exist in such a reality and to be truly free, to find the real me and of course as it is so often said, are not the Vampire tales a kind of ‘coming of age’ rite anyway and perfectly placed within the mind of many a dreamy teenage girl at the onset of puberty? If that was the case then so be it, and a certain teenage girl would find herself embracing this reality time and time again.

Everything about the vampire tellings, within my own mind, was and is total perfection and I was captivated and bound by the powerful images portrayed of immortality, dark sexuality and of course of being very different. But more importantly it bought to life for me what was inside of my own soul anyway; always feeling a deep sense of love and compassion towards the vampire; the one who was different. Even from the point of view of the writers and movie directors from those times of my teenage years, loving the act of “siring” as portrayed in their movies, raising another of the kindred. This embodied, whether intended or not, many exquisite dark taboos, often romanticising the compelling relationship of sexuality, death and rebirth; the age-old cycle of many religions.

Of course in later years my writings and poetry began to reflect this; it was all a big facet of me, or whom i am and I have within my own writings and poems used phrases such as ‘the kiss of the blood rose’ or the ‘dark embrace’. The vampire’s kiss has been perceived as a sensual ritualistic act, a deliberate act shown in films, novels and poetry as something powerfully mesmerizing; one creature with a deep ancient desire and one creature, either willing or unwilling becoming the age-old provider of life and sustenance. Yet as I progressed in researching the subject further and learning more, a new world of understandings opened up before me and within me and to this very day continues to take me on a very fascinating voyage of discovery and knowledge as the veil falls and age-old truths are revealed; like the parting of ancient velvet, scarlet drapes; musty and mysterious.

Walking back and forth through the realms of the mysterious night-kin holds untold fears for many and yet further still, untold pleasures for a few. What will one find there in that shadowy world where one’s senses are honed to perfection and further still once one discovers that which one finds there, is one’s actual reality forever changed or is it the perceptions of reality that are altered?  Once the taste of the ‘blood rose’ is figuratively upon ones lips can one ever let go of it, ever go back or has destiny changed for all time? How possible is it to walk a fine line between the known and the hidden, for when the hidden becomes the known every thing else will of course evolve too and thus become a way of life, become the norm. It is at this very point of realisation, of the unknowing becoming the norm and the norm becoming some distant past that used to be, that one realises one has accessed the hidden and that one is no longer the ‘someone’ that one used to be. It is an opening up, a letting go of everyday awareness, a true test of faith, a standing on the edge of the world and falling into the multiverse, into that which has always been.

Life, sex, death are all very natural and are all a part of the unending cycle of nature Herself; a story played out across time and tide many times over. Often some of the unusual experiences of life as seen from the context of the wider human world, are from a perspective of folks involved being a little mad or  brave; people who push the boundaries. Yet do we not all wish to push the boundaries or is it only just the few? However one views it, maybe being different is a better description of these individual boundary pushers; different from the rest of human society and with a desire of wanting ‘something else’. To journey through to the deeper realms of truth one actually needs to be very sane indeed and in total control of ones life, ones mind and ones actions and to know exactly what one is doing and why. Good teachers and guides have always been here, always amongst us and always to be found, if one has the passion to follow one’s own desires. Part of a good and essential magical training usually taking many years of hard practice to perfect, yet will teach one how to allow oneself to open up to the universe, to let go of the ego. To also have control of the many aspects of the self and to have a heightened and knowledged sense of awareness and confidence when venturing in realms not of the mundane.

Rebirth, transformation and new life can come in many different guises; many spiritual paths perform rites of rebirth, often as initiatory ceremonies and then also on various stages of a path. These rites can be very deep and profound often involving a sacrifice or the death of ones self, the death of the ego; for the ego has no place at all in magical realms.

The telling of Innana’s descent into the underworld captures this portrayal of the death and rebirth process beautifully. It tells of the goddesses’ willing descent into the underworld and of her giving up all her worldly goods, of her being stripped bare, down to her very bones and almost left for dead, putrid, dying and alone. In the process of almost dying, of going through great and utter pain and of a giving up of all that was dear to her Inanna against all the odds survived the ordeal, experiencing her own death and rebirth and She, the goddess rebuilt herself. Rebirth, especially when on a magical path can be a long and challenging process and many ‘mini deaths’ occur as the ego is let go of in order to achieve transformation. Yet isn’t this exactly what the vampire stories are telling us, always of a giving up, often involving sacrifice leading to a complete letting go and then ultimate transformation and transcendence? Surely this captures the mythology of the vampire beautifully?

We all appreciate that the practices of the ancient peoples of these earthly lands, from many different cultural and religious backgrounds, often adhered to very different moral and ethical codes, far removed from anything practised today. Blood letting and blood offerings, sacrifice, sex and magic were often, it has been said, practiced in sacred rites overseen by the ancient priests in order to draw upon the deep forces of the universe on behalf of and for the gods; often for good, yet often not so good. The reasoning and morality were far removed from these present day times and thus who are we to judge, for judge we cannot. The various ritual uses of blood has been employed over many ages and by many cultures and was not deemed wrong; indeed was it was often essential for magic to work. It has been suggested that priests and priestesses, kings and queens too of ancient civilizations, were often carefully trained or chosen for very specific roles which were outside of the morality and understandings of our modern-day culture and religion. However it was all for a sacred, magical or religious purpose and so was not in any way wrong to the ancient peoples. Often deities were offered the precious gifts of a life force or sexual performance as part of a divine ritual with intent and purpose acceptable for the times. Of course it is more than acceptable these days, and always has been, to offer a few drops of one’s own sacred blood to the deities as part of personal sacred practices within prayer or ritual.

To me it has always seemed that these ancient peoples had a heightened sense of awareness, an increased ability to know of their place in the grand scheme of things; of their own mortality in fact and of the meaning of life and death so thus embraced what it truly meant to be alive. They never took anything for granted and accepted certain practices as a part of life; practices that many folks today would find distressing. Many accounts go way back in time and many truths are hidden within the tellings and tales of the Old Ways. The old rites have become distorted over so many years of retellings, yet maybe if one listens hard enough and long enough to the whispering of the winds and to the vibration of one’s inner being, then the truths will surely begin to reveal themselves.

At the end of the day there is no black or white,  no dark and light, no right or wrong, no  good or bad because it is all about balance; achieving the correct balance. Morals, ethics and perceptions change and evolve with each generation and within individuals too. Maybe my inner feelings do hark back to a much older time, maybe I feel the pull of the  ancient threads within me, hence why today I walk my path within the company the Old Ones; the threads do bind firmly to kin yet do not imprison. There have always been Keepers, Observers and Watchers well within our midst; those whom can tell of the secrets, will relentlessly guard the secrets, yet share with only a few; they will tirelessly protect the secrets of the living alignments and further still protect all that has gone before and all that will ever be. They will be known to only a few, yet have a quiet strength and resilience way beyond their earthly years and carry the secrets forwards in time, in the safe hands of their earthly kin.

So who knows, maybe from somewhere afar or somewhere near, on one’s own doorstep or even in another universe, even just up the road around an urban street corner in the bright shiny middle of the day, one of the Old Ones will be watching, waiting  just as they always did and just as they always will. Waiting for the sound of a passing heart-beat, and silently, undetected, unknown, will turn swifly on a sixpence, undetected hot in pursuit…

I would so love to think so….


“Do not search for us we will find you

Do not wait for us we are here already

Do not whisper your name we know it well

We have loved you forever, time will tell

We are your Guardian Angels”

<author unknown>


Autumn 2012 but many cycles in creation……

‘The Keeper of Scrolls’: Updated January 2018

It is certainly a time of great change; a time of evolving; a time of truths and traveling through the degrees of LIGHT can certainly bring about great changes to all those on this path. Vibrations are speeding up causing many to seek out the truths and those truths are now being revealed. Many come to this path for various reasons – some stay awhile yet others do not – this it is all meant to be. When the universe calls one answers but it needs to be from an open heart when travelling upon the sphere of time and beyond.

We are warriors, sure but of a spiritual nature – here to guide all those who wish to, to evolve and to seek enlightenment. The universe is full of wonders and surprises and to become a warrior one has to let go into being in order to light the Black Flame. Who are we? Where are we going? Who can we become? Interesting concepts and just the type of questions that many are now asking.

We are all humble servants of the universe/multiverse and all have a part to play and yet by evolving we can go deeper in and deeper still, become stronger and attain that which has always been there but yet has remained hidden within the world of men for many centuries.

The eve of the tide is nigh, who cares to ride?

 If you feel drawn towards this path and wish to find out more on becoming an Ansar, please do contact me on:

“I shine as the moon, i sing as the sun, I am the guiding star, yet still you know me not”

One of the tenets of treading a very deep and profound path; non more so than that of the Old Ways, is that just when you believe all is safe and well and you have reached a pinnacle of sublime understandings, the path and what you perceived as your understandings can come right back at you and kick you hard in the face, as all that you ever knew is totally transformed into something deeper and more profound than you ever thought possible. Sometimes it can strike like a bolt of lightning on a once sturdy old oak tree, rendering you as the old oak shot right into two straight down the middle. Even if you see it coming you may have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and find yourself totally laid bare in the aftershock.

However, you do actually need these bolts from the blue, these reality checks, for they are the challenges and the safeguards sent to you for a reason; they are the hurdles we must all overcome in order to progress (or not) within our given paths. For it is certainly ‘Those That See And Observe’ in action; living up to their name. We may need to travel deep down and hit rock bottom more than once on this journey, facing the darkness and the uncertainty alone. Many times we can reach out in order to grasp the hidden thorn and be totally torn to shreds before eventually emerging into a new dawn of understandings. All our journeys are very different, very individual, even for walkers of  the same path and yet many journeys take us eventually to the same point of understandings at different points in time within the universe. Yet to go further than we ever thought possible, we must break through our own human led limitations and expectations, break out of that old mindset that we have been force-fed with in order to access that realm of ultimate perfection within the universe; access that place that seems so seductively near but is oh so very far away.

Knowledge is truth and truth is power yet with knowledge and truth comes big responsibilities as the mysteries are demystified and reality starts to unravel before our very eyes transforming into the reality we always knew within our hearts yet dared not to even think about. The darkest hour as we know, is just before dawn and a phrase that we may have referred to time and time again, but what does this really mean? When in this dark place we must relish and embrace all the lessons being offered there, equally the good and the bad, and learn from them as we have never learnt before;  we are being held there for a reason and cannot not move on until we have learnt those lessons laid out for us and the ‘powers that be’ within the universe deem us ready. So learn and grasp as you never have before, learn to shed that which you need to shed in order for transformation to happen, however hard, however painful it just has to be faced in order to move on and up again. Only you, the lone traveller on this particular journey can face it, it is a journey you must  face alone yet in facing it and learning from it you/those of us who are meant to, will surely all rise again.

Many will never tread the path of truth, many will have the ability to yet will never fulfill their purpose and many, many more will never even know of the journey or of the truths of existence and will never even give it a thought, yet that is the way it is meant to be; it is as it always has been and what will be, will indeed be. Only a few will ever truly see or hear that exquisite song of the piper at the gates of dawn heralding in an old truth to the Serpent Army. It is not a quick fix by any means, this journey can be a journey of many lifetimes and many folks will forever hide behind the facade of illusionment of the modern world, living for today, hard and fast  in a circle of false promises begetting the unfulfilment of their own manifested urobourous; getting nowhere very fast.

Whether or not we follow the Way of the Blood, the true Old Ways, for the transformation to truly happen on any level we must evolve from within in order for the first stages to begin and this can only happen when you remove all the baggage that humanity has thrown at you, when you clear your mind and you face yourself alone, as the one that you truly are and truly love what you see.

But the joy, the real joy of transformation is often totally and utterly silent, a very personal covenant of peace and joy between you and the Divine, so very personal and profound in fact that no utterances or affirmations in the world of men are ever needed. It is of a coming home to a home that once you had no concept of its existence; it is though of a very real world, a very real way of life that can only be accessed by the opening of your heart, by releasing the ego and by finding peace within and trust without for those who are there to guide and nurture you at every step of the way. Then and only then will real alchemical and physical transformation ever even begin to take place.

“I am the riddle of the whispering wind and will be with you till the end of days”

‘If we look to the stars to see the sights, the stars will come down with fists to fight’


Ahead of humanity in this very special and extremely challenging year are interesting times indeed; many folks have numerous different theories on what this year of 2012 actually means. One thing is for sure, great changes do most certainly lie ahead and the world as we know it will never be the same again. For the world today is certainly not what most people think, right from the very start of the origins of humanity, to the true purpose of mankind, to what is going on under our very noses right now in respect of world affairs, we have never been told the truths, simply very watered down versions of the truth. Yet for those who would seek, the truth certainly can be found.

Years pass by, people come and go upon the sphere of time and this planet our earth, somehow always seems to endure the ravages rent upon it by mankind, yet for how much longer? Over the centuries mankind has waged many destructive wars on each other; all of which have been relentless and pointless as no lessons have ever been gained. Man has stolen from within the earth all of that which sustains the health of the planet and has over the centuries caused destruction, pain and grief not only to the planet but also to its innocent wildlife. One wonders where it will all end – yet end it surely will. Can we even try and imagine a world before the greed, ego and lies of mankind bought so much harm and chaos to the planet? Would we like to consider a time after all this has been caused to cease?

It has always been told in times past that there are Keepers and Watchers, often known by the name of Nephilim, who walk amongst us, carefully keeping the balance and overseeing the ‘affairs of men’. If this were to be true, just what would they be making of the current world situation; the current crisis? Would they be gathering their armies’ right here, right now as mankind fulfils his current cycle of destruction? Humanity was never destined to act in this out of control way and I for one would take great delight and joy in the knowledge that the Old Ones were on their way back and were about to take charge again.

When the time is right mankind will have to face redemption and to atone for all his misdoings. How will he fare and will the Old Ones  be kind with him?  And if they are kind will mankind have learnt a valuable lesson? But if the Old Ones are not kind by human standards but are kind to the planet itself, what then? Is mankind rapidly running out of precious time? Given a choice, who would save mankind or who would save the planet? Is it a choice of the bigger picture or the little picture; the A movie or the B movie? And is the choice really ours to make? Maybe that is just what the Keepers and Watchers are at this moment considering, for saving humanity puts us right back at square one where we started, yet saving the planet could indeed be a new beginning of a brand new cycle.

Yet the veil, the illusion that hangs hard and fast in our world of lies, which we are drip fed with daily is challenged by only a few individuals who wish to know the world as it truly is.

When one considers the mainstream religions of the world what does one find there? One finds a plethora of myth and dogma which all hide the real truths from the people in order to put their own false messages across. They all hide the real truths from everyone because they do not want the truths to be out there; it is a way of being in control, keeping people forever in the dark with pretty made up stories. The whole ethos of certain mainstream religions are just one big illusion and yet so many thousands of folks buy into it. Why? One only has to put all the facts together to solve the jigsaw for oneself to see what is really going on, but very few people actually ever do, preferring to forever wear the blindfold of illusion, living in a false hope of being saved one day.

In the past, great teachers, often known as messengers have known of and taught the truths of existence yet their messages have been silenced in riddles and rhymes, their knowledge hidden away in pages of holy scriptures; their teachings transformed into false religions. Many paths today still create and allow people to buy into a vision of a past that never, ever existed and so thus the lies continue. Yet the truths that were once taught are out there, they are still being taught for those who truly seek, for those who will truly find.

Chances do come along that will allow us to make change, teachers and guides come along at certain perfect points in time, but is the individual who must take the steps, grasp the opportunity to walk out of the darkness of the mundane world. Time is so swiftly passing by and who can not say that as the Old Ones observe the affairs of mankind and duly raise their chalices, certain foretold cycles will come to completion and the truth will surely be revealed for all to see.

“And so it came to pass that the world of men transformed into L.i.g.h.t”

‘The Keeper of Scrolls’