From the beginning to the end…..

For MG 3

Fortunately we still just about, live in a country with a culture where we can all freely have and express our individual opinions about anything and everything; yet at the same time respect our fellow creature’s points of view, even if they conflict with our own. I often see a lot of anger and strong opinions on social media; conflicting viewpoints, with ‘friends’ being ‘unfriended’ from peoples lists, when personal viewpoints are not shared ones. Quarreling about words is of no value and will only have a negative effect on those who listen or read.

In the blink of the universal eye, this does not really matter, social media does not matter, for the true purpose of human existence is yet to be revealed to the many. In future times who is to say what is right and what is wrong, for it is all subjective and relates to given timelines of humanity and current thinking modes. In future times, it matters not one jot who fell out with whom or who agreed with whom or who said what. When one ‘draws’ away from the insular traits of modern humanity, all this bickering and self opinions is revealed as totally pointless in the bigger scheme of things and is proved to be totally ego based. Many view this planet as a  ‘prison planet’ and indeed once one crosses over the threshold of profound knowledge one can see why so.


For MG 4

Many cultures and religions on planet earth worship false prophets and false gods with people choosing to allow their lives and how they live them, to be dictated to them by man-made rules created by those whom wish to keep their followers under control and in total darkness. These people will never know freedom of thought and choice, and sadly do not know they have no freedom of choice in the first place.  Even the so called enlightened ‘spiritual paths’ also provide teachings not to be of truth, often based on man’s misinterpreted mythology; thus they misinform their followers too. But as said, we all still have freedom of choice so it is up to each individual to discover the truths for themselves or not; to believe what they want to believe.

Go tread lightly folks on this precious journey called life, see the unsee-able, look behind the mundane world and question everything, question the reason for everything, all the whys and the wherefores, seek truth out at every turn, even though it may not be where you think it is or what you believe it to be. Truth is not pretty and does not come gift wrapped with a beautiful bow, so keep an open mind, yet neither is it a personal opinion of any self-elevated individual human. Look above and beyond humanity for the answers that really are already inside of us, within our very DNA; for those whom are meant to know, really will in time, know and will awaken.


For MG

Where-ever we are on this planet peace is always to be found within each individual and has nothing to do with the control or illusion of religion or politics. Learn and evolve to become the best you can be, break the barriers of the mind in order to truly grow and to expand your consciousness, it is more than possible. Seek knowledge and personal growth; question everything you are told by those who would profess to know. The illusions of life are starting to collapse and new concepts of truth are coming out into the open and being embraced, so always ask yourselves, why all the lies in the first place? What is it that humanity is not supposed to know and why? All else will then start to fall into place, petty arguments and differences especially will seem pointless. Don’t be ‘mind-controlled’ but be ‘mind-awakened’ and make each step matter; find your own way, in your own way, be individual not ‘one of the crowd’. Do not follow established man-made paths and viewpoints, take a big step out of the glaring light, above and beyond the ‘roar of the crowd’ and try a little bit of quiet shade; you may just be surprised at what you will find there in the shadows…..

That is the thing though; the human species has evolved way beyond the original purpose and intent of its creators. Over time human brains have developed and continue to develop above and beyond the purpose intended, but they dont know what for or where they are heading with this. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing; one only has to look at how mankind is destroying the planet by greed and consumerism; mankind in these closing decades has not treated this planet well and has allowed greed and the fulfilment of ego to be the ‘be all and end all’ goal. All the carefully created balance of nature now being thrown out of the window. Of course many more human creatures live in the dark than will ever evolve towards the light of full knowledge, of whom and what they really are. Most live in the moment in the glare of the ‘Neon God’ they have created for themselves and have not an inkling of the huge possibilities that could lie ahead. Yet for those with a passion and a yearning for knowledge, those with a deep love and a hankering for the ‘Old Ways’ and for truth, the possibilities for growth within the right hands are endless and boundless.


For MG 5

As a teacher and guide (of Craft) I will always endeavour to guide humanity towards open doors wherein this knowledge lies, but that is all a teacher can do; gentle guidance and encouragement; it is up to each individual, whether or not they choose it, to step over that threshold or not. Knowledge once gained cannot be ‘un-gained’ yet knowledge gained can change one’s way of life and thinking for all times; those things that were once unthinkable become the norm, the thinkable and nothing can and ever will be the same again. I love to teach, love to share and love to experience with students that ‘light bulb’ moment when I know that their lives have been changed for always, above and beyond the norm; it is and always will be a very rewarding experience to share this brand new beginning with folks. Time is marching on and nothing is infinite, everything has a beginning and an end, yet new travellers are always welcome, those seekers of truth, those creatures with a sense of adventure, with a deep thirst for knowledge who wish to walk the road less travelled with us.

Family is above and beyond any earthly blood ties; honouring blood ties of another kind. For those who wish to follow the ‘ways of the blood’, of the original way, the journey is often long and ardarous, with one questioning every aspect of one’s current life and it’s associations. If within my life I can change just one person’s perspective of their reality, if i can cause them to stop and think about the very nature of reality, then I am very happy.  I try and give clues, give pointers and directions for people to follow and to maybe study up on more. In time they may wish to join us in the fold of Priory; to become as one with ‘family’ or they may simply go their own way, forever enlightened. Whatever happens to planet earth in future times, one thing is sure, the species known as humans will survive the coming end times, albeit in numbers much, much less than we are familiar with today and that will be a good thing. Each student is guided by the Elders of the path to a place of safety within the physical and metaphysical realms where temporal doorways do exist to cross through. To those students who have suceeded through the mundane’s constant  tempting of  them not to succeed, the true beauty of reality will at last be revealed.


For MG 1


‘Stay well and stay sharp’

‘Fan go maith agus fanacht géar’


Craft Tutor and Keeper of Scrolls

June 2017