Tag Archive: Poems

History and Truth…

As history and truth unravel
And the human mind finally sees
No more we will wander the shores
No longer live in dreams

The oldest story written
Is joy to the listening ear
The blinded eyes will see
As the days of old come clear

On saddled shores, the Watchers
Have waited for mankind’s shift
Yet only a few ever made it
The rest will cease to exist

Mankind always had the chances
To rise above ego and greed
Yet took the easy way out
Never considered the planet’s needs

But everything comes home to haunt one
All misdeeds come home to roost
The Observers can only watch us
Time and tide is the judge of all

A dead planet is no good to no-one
Just look at Mars to agree
To travel afar is an answer
But sadly, only in dreams

We are bound to the truth of our actions
We are tied to this planet of time
Yet new realms beckon and call us
Vibrations calling us home

If you get it, you know where I’m going
If you don’t, well you never will
We can learn to challenge illusion
To escape the earthly veil

We are more than this human vessel
We are more than the mundane world
For it’s all been a great expectation
One that we spectacularly failed

Go dream from an outside perspective
Remember that time is manmade
Step away from the ties that bind you
Say no to religion and power

At the end of the day we are mortal
These skins that we wear will not last
We are trapped in lower vibrations
Never heeded the words of the past

Yet we can live again and can travel
Can be guided by shinning lights
We can journey afar to new realms
Can live without day or night

Another existence is out there
A holder of keys you can be
But first you must unlock this door
To see all you can truly see

As history and truth unravel
And the human mind finally sees
No more we will wander the shores
No longer live in dreams


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‘The Keeper of Scrolls’  April 2018

“Some know… some dont know… many will never know they dont know…” 

All tellings evolve; life evolves, we evolve; we have to in order to move on. I have discovered that some poems and writing of mine keep growing, ever expanding with new inner meanings as my own understandings also change and evolve; my inner visions and wisdom are on a constant spiral of evolution. Pictures that portray a universal truth constantly flash in and out of my open mind’s eye. We seemingly, in respect of inner and outer growth, travel full circle yet arrive round at a point beyond the original starting point; that is true evolution and growth. The cycles of life and becoming, from a personal perspective of an enlightened being, as well as from a universal perspective, come and go also evolving, yet as we follow the spiral round we do not evolve to the same place from that from which we started. Each cycle takes us round to a different place; a different placement on our own circle of life, moving on, life in motion, as it should be.

I recently peered into a shop in a town in the Hartz Mountains and saw a beautiful bag that totally illustrates a poem i had previously written connecting me to the past, present and future on many levels; even to the history of the painting on the bag itself; the ‘me’ as i was in the present at that time, was totally in a peaceful inner place and looking to the future, thinking of those lovely roses on the bag and of what hope, peace and inner, higher level, self acheivement can bring.

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However though, and sad as it may at first seem, this can not be true for everyone and some folks will not evolve, will never climb those heights to greet their true potential but will stay forever in the repeating cycles of the mundane; will always allow the mundane lower realms to hold them firmly fixed in place. As Craft and as teachers we are always here to advise and guide; always here to show the LIGHT to any one who whises to learn; to evolve, but as the old saying goes, the teacher will open the door yet it is up to the pupil to walk through…. It is always sad when a creature of true potential chooses the mundane world, but life is a free choice and one must always choose wisely, whether in favour of a life less lived or the actual bigger picture…

“I am one who will always be smelling those roses in this life or the next ones”

I have been thinking a lot about inner peace of late and have reached the point in my life of acceptance of peace as being of and in the moment; connected to the momement; one must fully embrace each moment for the gift that it truly is. One’s happines IS in each current moment and no where else; YET it is those very moments which create our future happiness.

Maybe it is too late for the planet as a whole yet NOT too late to be enlightened, so to evolve above and beyond the mundane. All ‘traits’ have the potential and ability to be awakened and to use that within them that has aforetime remained dormant…

There are those whom constantly chose to tamper with the Old Ways, for their own ends and means and thus relay false teachings to the world, and thus the teachings do not make sense when thus tampered with; the cycles do not make sense; the teachings become flawed. For the poor ‘old god‘ does not know whether he is living or dieing… What has become known as the ‘wheel of the year’ in many paths, is very much an ‘earthly wheel’ and certainly not a regional one as it is often portrayed. What is important here to remember is the validity of your teachings and your teachers; are they of the universe itself or from a man-made ego based version of the truth?

“As the world turns, we acknowledge the truths of existence”

My own spiral of life resonates within and without me and is a reflection of the deep love & a connection to Craft that effortlessly flows and blends into every aspect of my daily life. Poetry, writing & photography give me further connection and focus and are also very much of the magic woven from my heart, leading me upwards and beyond the unknown mountain paths of time; always consciously being on the spiral.

Hidden among the deep mystery of our land lies the truth; often hidden in plain sight, often hidden within the very fabric of time itself. England is a land of magic & mystery and let non tell you otherwise. Here in these very lands you can discover portals, other realms, ancient magic and gliches in time and encounter others not of our own timeline, not of our realm and if guided discover so very much more of the unexplored metaphysicl realms.

Here at the home of The Priory on the internet, we are as an ever evolving path through time with hopefully many interesting articles, personal accounts, teachings, photographs and the odd secret or two… We follow and evolve along an ancient path of truth, very much for the modern world; we seek & we quest through time, always following our hearts and the cycles of the multiverse.

“Time reveals yet also hides it’s footfalls upon the land”

I recently doscovered this quote from Nicola Teslar on the interent; he is someone who was way before his time yet thankfully is being rediscovered. There is so much hidden in this quote to get one’s head around, we don’t exist in a linear plane of existence, but a dimensional one, the lowest one being us. It is everyone’s wish to experience the higher dimensions and many have been teased with tasters….

earth is a realm


“The Keeper of Scrolls” October 2017

In Truth…

In blessed darkness will I walk my path with footfalls silent on the earth.

Never alone I wander through an age of eternal night times

Yet fear not my lack of human companionship.

Under heavens starry canopy my becoming of self completes,

For I see the world for what it is

And in acceptance I surrender to the future.

I see the dark and light as one as they become each other,

I see the sun, moon and stars revealed through times illusion

And I see the earth bound in sorrows; secrets forever hidden within the wyrd.

And yet I also see myself; I see my secret beyond the skin,

I feel the truth flowing as blood upon the land

And in truth and being I unravel upon the sands of time.

Those I knew as kin, never were

And those that truly speak come to me through ages past

Whispering the secrets to my existence from their alabaster beds.

I read the signs left hidden by kindred long ago,

I see the glory revealed in echoes of lives that still resonate

Upon the unending shores of time.

Yet is it only I who can truly see their unwritten language of the past,

Who can feel their energy vibrating still with life;

A life which reverberates through my body;

A record left of all times gone and those yet to come?

I tread the path of the guardians, the watchers, the keepers and the Protectors of Light.

I know they watch me; yet leave me be; acceptance.

Yet when the blood finally flows and the rising water cleanses

I too will protect and in my becoming, rise to new heights of understanding.

Watching from the shadows I bide my time

Wearing this cloak of glorious darkness I await my time

When I too will whisper my tale upon  Destiny’s Hill to those whom would sit and listen.




The Keeper of Scrolls

July 2017

When I fell to earth I landed with a very hard bump somewhere in the northern isles, onto very cold hard ground; yet it was not meant to be that way or so I had imagined. I had always envisaged my arrival to be a much more glamorous entrance with maybe a cloud or two parting and a revelry of trumpets blazing. A great and glorious light in the sky would have been an added bonus of course, however my Father was not won over by such pomp and circumstance and was having none of it. So my much anticipated entry into the mundane was something of an anti climax and not an event that I care to chat about much.

Accepting the fact that an earthly entry of splendour was not to be I set about discovering my first of many very humbling challenges. Looking down through the lenses of my new but limiting physical eyes I realised I now had a body; all well and good i thought but in fact a body of condensed matter, hence the novelty of the bump and pain upon landing; no Vestment of Light in this realm then. No my new garment was well and truly that of flesh and blood and human; the human species; this creation of my family’s doing, I of course had previous knowledge of whilst sojourning in the higher realms with Dad. Yet at that point in time we did still have very great and splendid hopes for this quaint species…

This new body then was very dense and movement was somewhat clumsy at first but over time I kind of got used to it and the fact that everything was very much of the physical here. No need really for that now redundant third eye, or so i thought at the time and my earthly feet actually could walk upon the lands.

This earthly lark is actually harder than I thought; I actually need a team around me I mused to myself. Some support, company, a partner; all of that and more I longingly wished for and I set about casting my net far and wide upon the shores of time. I knew that the teachings of Love and Light would come in time and many would rejoice in The Way, but equally there would be those who’s hearts and minds were destined always to remain closed. My team were good; I had chosen them well amongst mankind and they in turn helped in spreading The Wisdom of the Word to new lands afar. In the world of men there were certainly others out there, also like me preaching the ultimate truths of the universe but also there were always those that desired me dead. So life became a series of adventures spent teaching and leaving clues for those who would follow, to one day hopefully read and decipher.

There followed years of much ducking and diving as the spears of adversity constantly whistled passed my ears. Times too, when the only life I knew was that of keeping well and truly in front of those swift bullets of destiny. I knew my time upon the physical plain in this body was to be very limited, yet my life was full of honouring and spreading my Father’s word and teaching the truths and beauty of our race, with my companions by my side. I was fully aware when my time upon the mundane sphere was to end and had complete knowledge of they who would deliver the final treacherous blow, for it had always been known to me. I knew also that when I left, it was not to be for ever, far from it in fact, for I have returned time and time again so to complete the cycle, my purpose. I will always be the Alpha and Omega; your beginning and your end.

And please, please don’t believe all you read about me, as my press is truly horrendous and as with the so called modern day tabloids, it is all fake news, false flags and false events. Pay no heed to the many false prophets either, for those who shout the loudest have by far the lest to say. But humans if nothing, are creatures of great imagination and guile and will make anything up for a quick buck, always being ‘in it’ for themselves. Out for anything they can get, including murder…

Often the wheels of destiny have to be turned for certain events to play out and once set in motion those wheels simply cannot be unturned. I fully knew my fate upon this physical plain; I knew what lay in store, yet had great sadness for those who were destined to deliver it. But a cross!!? My ending on a cross!? Now come on, really? Whose bright idea was that, to invent this little tale? The true truth of the cross is something else entirely and for another day.

Other lands, other bodies and other lives I always constantly sought out. I have always been with you. I am with you still yet you know me not. My fate and yours have always been mapped through time, always intermingled, always hand in hand as centuries came and centuries went. Only the few faithful ones ever knew me and took me by the hand fully knowing me. True friendships forged will always be welded strong in truth and bonded for ever. As the Blacksmith welds the iron sword strong in the flame so my armour is welded strong around me by the flame of truth. The time for looking back is no more; the days of the past are done.

The days of uri ma esentu are coming to an end. Shadows are once more being cast upon the lands and new tales and new beginnings are being woven among the stars. E Utu Nana ma Adar will forever hold the truths. There are those who will always know my tale, will always tell it as it was yet there are those who cast shadows on all I do and will never give up seeking me, yet with a lightness of spirit I rise and fall time and time again as do the perpetual oceans of the new unseen worlds.

So this is my tale, my truth, within your world of illusion. I could be anywhere still; forever coming to terms with this challenging corporeal body yet still walking firmly (just) with sartorial elegance and grace upon these magical shores within your time, and all time, til this time is no more and the sound of the rising oceans herald that my tale is finally told….


“The Keeper of Scrolls”

April 2017