Maybe the words were never written in the sands
But hidden in plain sight for all to see
Recorded and enscribed in stone
For future generations to decode

The truths of life have always been displayed
Dealt out to us by that giant hand whom deals our fate
Turn over just one card for destinies big reveal
Or leave the cards face down; fate unknown

The Old Ones have left the clues
Have entrusted truths in safe hands
Secrets kept by those whom walk the path
Yet truth often bound in myth, is never beautiful

The vast libraries of ancient words
Depict a past untold
Foretell of a future unwritten
Words to heed

False trails laid by a false church and crown
Dead ends and smoke screens
Laws and taxation to control the masses
Barbed words and lies become the norm, the truth obscurer

Why then walk in darkness?
Why wear the hoodwink?
Why accept the ropes tied tight?
Why live without honour, why abandon truth?

Mankind, born from darkness and into darkness sinks
Born blind to live blind
The words of The Messenger ring hollow
Truth found at last, revealed in the darkness of the dying breath

It always was a prison planet, god fodder no less
Free-will, free-choice, but an illusion
Ego-derived lives give fuel to the giant illusion
Crushing the giant awakening in its tracks

Yet words can be re-written, the hand of fate slighted
The many become the few, the chains can break
The words are there, the truth is there, hidden under the rock of lies
The candle in the darkness sees all


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‘The Keeper of Scrolls’ April 2018