So our destination for Quest Number Ten was to take us in a completely different direction all-together from our quests of before, for we were leaving the quiet of the coast and countryside behind us and were making tracks towards the urban jungle of North London. So why these four particular churches? What is so special about them? Sure they have their fair share of unexplained tales of ghostly sightings; even quite unnerving stories affecting local people & children; including poltergeist sightings and interactions over the years, but the real facts do go much deeper and relate to the purposes of our ongoing quests, including family blood lines, royal blood lines, hidden histories and long hidden pyramids so please do read on and enjoy…

All Hallows Church within Tottenham Cemetery: A visit to the much loved family grave in beautiful Tottenham Cemetery was an important call for our lead researcher. This lovely cemetery is much like a park with its own lake, picnic areas and an abundance of wildlife; yet this was also a time of reflection and of a cleaning up of the family plot. There were definitely some other ‘presences’ around us here on this day, yet certainly nothing untoward in any way and of course this visit was very important and relevant to our quests 🙂

The Neville line family plot in Tottenham cemetery, now loving restored to beauty <click on photos to enlarge>

The Church itself, we were unable to gain entry to, yet we were able to film some interesting footage outside. All Hallows aka All Saints Church was a Zion church in times past, which is quite evident from the design of the building, however it is now an Anglican church and is one of the oldest buildings in the London Borough of Haringey, having been built as All Saints in the 12th century. The church has been painted by many fine artists over the years and there has even been a book written about it. It has it’s fair share of mysteries including that of a real life physical vampire whom roamed the cemetery for a good few years and of course because of the churches placement as one of the ‘four corners’ it has many a ghostly tale woven into its history. The church also has connections to the Knight Templars and the Grail.

Let Karl tell you more by clicking on the link to our youtube channel:



There are some beautiful carvings and artwork to be discovered both on the church and in its graveyard

<click on images to enlarge>,_Tottenham

St Mark Noel Park. Wood Green: Sadly we were unable to gain entry into the second church of quest number ten, but never the less we did manage to record a short film outside of the church’s gates amidst the roar of the North London traffic. There was a solid boarded fence all around the church too, making still photography also difficult. This is a ‘Church of England’ Victorian church built in 1889 on the charming Noel Park estate; one of the first ever municiple housing estates to be built. There are quite a few unexplained and scary happenings recorded here; some from the fairly recent past. It is the second point of the ‘four corners’ so thus no surprise.

See our link here



All Saints Church. Edmonton: So yet again at this point in time we were unable to gain access to this church; the third church of quest number ten and the third of the ‘four corners’. After our travels around the rural and coastal church sites which are open mostly much of the time to visitors and pilgrims, one can only assume that in built up urban areas, the churches are closed for reasons of safety and security. All Saints is an Anglican church within the borough of Enfield. The oldest known reference to the church shows up in a document dating some time between 1136 and 1142. It was completely rebuilt in the 15th century and has undergone many alterations since. Again because of it placement and importance of our quests, much poltergeist and ghostly activity has been recorded here.

A pretty church set amidst beautiful grounds open to the public which are a public byway

The Four Corners revealed…..

Saint Mary Magdalene. Windmill Hill. Enfield: And so with visiting this church on quest number ten, we arrive at point number four of the ‘four corners’ and thus by now dear reader you will have gained great insight into just what the ‘four corners’ are referring too and yet some mysteries as always do remain. When we arrived here, the church was about to be closed for the night but with prompt action on our parts we were able to gain access and to have two informative guides by our side. The interior of this church is truly an amazing sight to behold and has been recently refurbished with the help of a lottery grant. As expected due to its placement, it has it’s tales of the unexplained here and even a well documented report of an exorcism performed by one of the past days priests. But it is the Templar, Masonic, Egyptian, Eastern and Eastern Star symbology that predominates everywhere within the church for all to see, which reveals and tells the true tales….

See the stunningly beautiful and exquisite artwork and mosaic tiles that adorn the wall and floors of St Mary Magdalene Church in Enfield: not just artworks but clues left to us of our true hidden history of our country and our planet. All left for us to decipher; left for the truth seekers to discover and acknowledge – truly and surely quest for the modern day Knight….

“Seek and ye shall find”

Follow the link to our Youtube channel for an informal tour of the church and a viewing of  an alternative version of ‘The Last Supper’



All Saints Edmonton: Back to the Future…. Happily and to our delight the vicar of All Saints returned our call and invited us back to view this lovely and very interesting church which was well worth the wait for the visit, for inside the churches walls we were presented with many suprises and delights. There were many ancient carvings all around the church; the font in particular relaid to us important and relevant messages from the past, as did the ‘Grail Kingship’ plaque upon the wall to the left of the font; a more detailed description of which is in the video. As always messages from the past, way back from ancient Sumerian times and beyond, left for the astute amongst us to decipher; for those who love a good quest 🙂

The video link below tells much more of the church in finer detail and of further bloodline & ‘family’ connections and summarizes our quest for today and thus so far.


Read the true ‘story’ from the carvings and artwork

<click to enlarge>

The Four Corners: So from today’s quest we have discovered what is meant by the ‘Four Corners’ and of the placement within our land of this great pyramid, marked by these four north London churches:

The apex; the pinnacle of which rises here <see link below> gives us more mysteries to solve:

So to conclude:

  1. We are discovering some of the deeply significant messages hidden in stone at all of these sites.
  2. We now know that these sites are places of immense power and magnectic resonance.
  3. We have learnt that the ‘Guardians of Secrets’ protected these sites and still do.
  4. We know these sites to be frequented by the Djinn.
  5. The quest for the true ‘Grail Kingship’ continues as we delve into the untold history of our lands…

“For i am the reason that you exist, the reason for your event and the reason that you will depart. It is at the point of reason that the seasons shall reveal themselves for what they truly are…”

Please feel free to contact us if you are curious to find out much more on an England; on a history you really thought you knew…

“The Keeper of Scrolls”

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