Silent and Swift…..

To Know…

To Will…

To Dare…

To Keep Silent…


The above, as any one studying the old ways of magic will instantly recognize are the tenets of Craft, relating to the magical practices and ancient knowledge bestowed upon each practitioner. But how does one actually reach this level of knowing, being able to put the responsibility that goes with it into practice?

It is a journey, like many great spiritual journeys, into the darkest forests of the mind, where illusions of the mundane abound everywhere to ensnare us. The magical journey can be like a riddle, for often the answers we seek do not appear in tangible black and white forms, they often appear to us in abstract forms that flow directly from our own spiritual evolution, that starts within the mystic realms of our own minds, from our own understandings. Answers can fly to us upon the wings of imagination during our dream times and if we are not prudent they vanish like star-dust into the morning dew. Often, as in my own experiences of being guided; the answers to questions are never directly given, they apper as riddles, allowing me the student time to expand my own consciousness to access the answers for myself. The answers are indeed within all of us, locked safely away within the subconciouss. If one were to be told the answers every-time there would be no growth; no personal unlocking of the vast caverns of knowledge which students on the path carry within.

Often the answers and understandings sought do not come in the form of words but in the form of the student being able to absorb the truths for themselves at an ‘inner-level’ and of course practice, practice, practice. Thus the truths become who we are, slipping into our consciousness without ever a word being spoken, no sound being ever exchanged. Our inner levels, our ‘inner worlds’ are constantly expanding and are in fact limitless and so to expand, to travel and grow we must completely trust our inner selves; those dark inner realms where often night becomes day and dark become light.

Of course different paths within the magical worlds have different frameworks, different histories and traditions that followers of, will adhere to, but the magical power itself is power that has no labels as such and all practitioners share a common goal. A good teacher, a good tutor can indeed take each student to that very well spoken of door, can even endeavour to open very wide that door, yet it is the student who must walk through it – if of course they choose to do so and many don’t. A magical path, like any other life path is not a ‘given’ it must be worked at and practiced on a daily basis in order for the neophyte to become proficient and not everyone who embarks upon this road less traveled will make it to the end. The road is unending and one must travel long, one must travel far and wide and one must travel silent and swift like a bird in flight soaring high above the mundane levels of consciousness.

It is not about the use of wands, staffs, swords or any other magical tools or the flurry and swishing of velvet cloaks; these do have a place in focusing energy but at the end of the day the power, the magic comes from deep within, from the practitioner themselves and it is only in swift and sure daily practices, dedication and understanding that any level of accomplishment will ever be attained. This journey, this path has been here on this earthly plane for centuries, arriving  here in the very beginning from worlds afar and is a special gift to be relished and embraced. The path of magic has never been a path for the faint hearted or for those who cherish comfort zones and boundaries, for one is pushed constantly out of comfort zones, through boundaries and often caused to question morals and ethics upon whatever plain one is working in. A good training, having good guidance and a good teacher will have bestowed all of this on the student or practitioner so when the time comes and choices need to be made each practitioner will be able to choose wisely. Hence why it is indeed a  great privilege and joy to tread this path and to be able to Know, to Will, to Dare and to ultimately Keep Silent…



Forever questing upon the Sphere of Time

Guiding and teaching to all who pass my way….

April 2014

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