Mary wearing the Sinclair tartan.

    ‘”On saddled shores through time does stand, and soon the lion and sphinx do land “

By the Sun, Moon, and Star – Forever within its glory – Subar ina ar tia ina satium mulan – To release the light of the Eastern Star

My Craft journey began some 25 years ago when i joined Baphomet Lodge in Cambridge. I thus studied and learnt all i could about Craft; my journey was inspiring to say the least. I was previously pagan, yet was always searching for something i could not find and when i became Craft i found all that my heart desired, in the way of both knowledge and personal evolution. After a great deal of commitment and study I was ordained as a Knight Templar priest, being then part of our KT Preceptory, having moved on from Baphomet Lodge to Magdalene Preceptory and then to The Church of the Knights Templar. I thus was able to conduct services, rites of passage and teachings for those whom wished it and indeed many did. It was always a great honour to faciltate  rites and it was always a honour to be the priest at ceremonies such as handfastings, blessings, dedications and funeral rites. When i later became installed as a Knight Templar, it was under the Royal Order of Scotland, and again a great honour to become a fully fledged Knight Templar, something i am very proud of, for i know i worked very hard for it. I was able to run my own preceptory here in Cambridge, something i did succesfully for many years. After a brief, yet beautiful life-affirming sojourn in The Sanctuary, where i learnt about the illusions we all live under, the truth of our reality and the true identity and ways of our creators; those beings whom i will always know of as my true kin, I learnt of the true purpose and reason for humanity. Yet once again, life as it does, moved on. Sanctuary was a total joy that taught me of whom i really was and why i felt and thought the way i did.  All things constantly change though, life changes and we all must accept, evolve and move on and i eventually became part of The Priory. It was to be life changing and all encompasing, where Craft totally became my life and i learnt so very much more. My journey now via The Knights of the Red Order, is still that of wisdom and knowledge upon the shores of time, seeking and questing through the realms of existence, and i am forever humbled and greatful to have had this amazing oportunity in my life on this planet. I have yet so much more to give back….

My Journey upon the Shores of Time: I have always lived with an inner feeling of being different from everyone else; of never fitting in and of not being a part of the crowd; to be honest i have always been happy this way. I have always had, right from childhood, deep profound inner thoughts with dreams and memories that I could never quite explain. For me, right from my early years I was always very much like that, kind of metaphorically living on the edges of society and always living within the vast realm of what i perceived was my imagination. Yet I always felt a very deep connection and love for this beautiful planet that I exist upon.

My path for many years was happily that of seeker, then pagan, being both witch and druid; yet these paths with their mish-mash of modern day misinterpretation of the older ways never gave me what i was searching for. Deep down inside i always knew i was searching and journeying  towards something else, something greater, something bigger which i always knew to be there. I was searching for the hidden mysteries, the truths, the sacred ‘keys’ of the universe, that had up to this point in time eluded me. I reached a point in my life where nothing added up any more, nothing had any meaning and yet with most things in this existence, timing is everything and what is meant to be, surely will be.

I certainly could not, at first, put a finger on what it was that i was searching for but i always knew that there was something much more profound in this life than meets the eye and that the truths were hidden dormant within the cloak of time, just waiting for me to find them. I always felt the call of the stars, of the universe and of being guided, pulled through to something much deeper, much bigger and much more profound;  the very truths in fact.  A life time of inner and outer travelling, belonging to and facilitating various groups, eventually lead me to that divine place of revelation and to that very special encounter with that very unique being within whom i knew all my answers and so much more were to be found. I listened to my soul and my soul guided me home to my true kin. In fact the angels watched and answered my call….

I at first found the path of the Knights Templar and i embraced it with my whole being and became an actual Knight for true. I had found the beautiful and profound mysteries of what I was later to learn was the Serpent Priesthood, whose tracks and trace are left all over this planet if one knows how and where to look. So thus my world changed for ever and i with it; a world of  truths, huge challenges, great joys and great wisdom too.  As one of the Ansar, the Keepers of Secrets, questing upon the realm of time within the physical and the metaphysical realms; the absorption of wisdom and knowledge constantly reveals many ancient secrets to me. Through the KT degrees I learnt who i am, i learnt healings, magical practices, the lore or sacred stones, herbs and potions; all of which were of a much higher level that i had ever dreamed of in my pagan days. I also learnt who i can be within future times; a warrior in fact and very proud to be one.

Yet the story does not end there; far from in fact, for in my search for truth and as a part of my personal evolution i was invited to join The Priory and am now privy to the learnings and understandings of the true history of this planet; the truths of mankind as created by Enki, the father of mankind. All the truths are revealing themselves to me as the falsehoods, lies and illusions slip away and the beauty of the real truths can at last shine bright. In reality my quest, my jourmey was only just beginning as i started to explore the true Royal Bloodlines of our world, and most importantly what that mean to me and my personal connection to this path. In this world there are sacred places of energy and power known only to a few, with many secrets hidden within the landscape of time and i started to discover what they were/are by journying through the physical and metaphysical landscapes.

As one journey ends another truly begins, and as always there can be no new beginnings, without first having an ending, something to bear in mind during the years to come. And so i became installed into The Knights Of The Red Order with another journey now beginning. I am travelling back over time, tracing the Grail Quest in the footsteps of King Arthur (as then known) and Lancelot Desposyni, yet travelling through real time too and into my own future. It is indeed an encompassing and exciting journey with so much aforetime hidden knowledge to be embraced upon the way, and my eyes will be forever open and my heart and soul truly fulfilled.

The Knights Of The Red Order are dedicated to teaching the old ways (which are the coming new ways too); the path and knowledge of the Templars,  of their/our connection to the apostles and to ‘the’ Jesus’, to King Arthur and his Knights. We warmly welcome all true seekers whom are drawn to discovering the truths of the universe and whom wish to reach above the pull of the mundane, above the roar of the crowd.

Please do get in touch if you are interested in joining us and for we will be happy to meet you: ‘’

“All is before your eyes if only you would open them to sea”

Tellings and Tales: From a very early age I have always written stories and poetry just as the folks of times long gone did; i always drew from the vast world of inner and outer imagination. I find inspiration from the past, the present and the future thus allowing my many tales, poems and tellings to spring to life. It has always been an earthly tradition for mankind to tell stories and spin the myths that draw on endless expanses of imaginations and experience and i am no different. Mankind has told many tales of the mighty gods of this realm and beyond; of myths and imagination in order to share the truths of the universe.

I tread a path less travelled, drawing on the less known, from darker & hidden times, telling the stories that bring the universe, it’s gods and ancient past to life. Somehow, although my many tales and tellings flowed effortlessly from within I have discovered on my journey that many uncannily, had more that just a hint of the truths I was yet to learn from the KT’s, The Priory and now The Knights of The Red order. The truths were hiding inside of me just waiting to be set free.

In these days of modern appliances and technology the tales still continue to take birth, flourish and continue to fly. From beyond the whispering hills of destiny, beyond the realms of time, the Ancient Ones soar on the winds, spreading their wings and telling their stories to those who take time to just sit, listen and absorb. Listen well my friends as i continue to unfold my own tales before you…..

I still very much write the tales, often in the form of poetry these days. I am an avid photographer and love to use my photography to illustrate my poems. Apart from many Craft inspired poems, my favourite genre is of the vampiric genre; a subject close to my heart and one which has inspired and delighted me all my life. I can also be found performing my poems at local ‘open mike’ venues in Cambridge.

You can find my poetry & photography here:-

‘I have left the square of 4 and understood the triangle of 3,
in union of 7 the sacred circle appears and lost will be found’

Learning the Old Ways: In learning the Old Ways, one connects at the start to the ancient people’s of Sumeria, whom were in possession of a vast wealth of wisdom, knowledge and spirituality that has over time become lost within the world of mankind, through misinformation and distillation of scriptures. Where did they get their knowedge from though, and given by whom? All the answers are taught within the Knight Templar teachings, together with ancient knowledge, very relevant in todays world, knowledge. This sacred land of Sumeria is commonly recognized as being the homeland of the first ‘Gods’ here on earth; revealed to be the true family of Enki, the creator of mankind. It was with these very people, whom had an understanding (had been taught) the knowledge of the true Old Ways of the universe, that a vast repository of knowledge had been gifted. For those who follow a Craft path this knowledge is there still waiting to be discovered. With new-found knowledge of the real histories and practices, the future will be revealed.

The Templar practices recognise that Malak (Jesus) and Kiam (Mary Magdalene) were preachers and teachers, oftentimes referred to as ‘Priest and Priestess of the Temple’. Yet, importantly, there was so much more to them than meets the eye;  both being very different from the bible tellings.  The Templars it has been said were ‘guarding great secrets’ and so safety and secrecy was always of uppermost importance; but what were these great secrets really all about? These themes and riddles are developed within Templarism and further expanded within Priory and beyond, where our physical ‘Quests’ upon the sphere of time, continue to reveal so much more these enigmatic ‘Guardians of Secrets’ in their actual physical localities.

The Templar history goes way back beyond the masonic symbolism of today and there is at first sight, many commonalities within the shared history of Freemasonry and Templarism, especialy within the very early degrees of Craft; the access point into the path of the Old Ones. The truths do reveal much more hidden knowledge relating to the Masons, the Templars, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and further back to the Annunnaki (The Ninasians). The KT path into Priory and KORO is a challenging ride at times, as established ideas, patterns of life and ways of thinking can be blown away for all time, yet it is a very great joy and a journey of total revelation and of course a great firm grounding and cornerstone into The Priory and KORO.

This journey from KT, Sanctuary, Priory and KORO, is one of ultimate truths; a journey to discover the hidden knowledge. It is a journey of change, challenge and of adapting ones established ways of thinking for all time, allowing the universal truths to be revealed. The higher levels attained are very profound and often controversal; a more ‘alternative historical’  look at the Earth Plane; not main stream, yet certainly very much true. A revelation that not all is as it seems and certainly not all is as it has been taught. This is most definitely the way forward for those who like myself, have always questioned and whom desire to be enlightened further and whom wish to pursue the real truths.


“In time and space a story told
A shining challice from ages old
A kingly quest; a pot of gold
Yet only a few will forever hold
Let Angels tell tales and Demons too
Let the secret of The Grail forever ring true”

To contact me for more info, a private chat or teachings:

aka: the ‘Keeper of Scrolls’

“The Grail Kingship is within the realms of impossibilities

Updated May 2020

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