

human race

Reality and Truth: have i not always said that truth is never what has been taught; never what you thought it was. Think hard dear freinds and consider the truths of your existence and why you have been lied to. Learn, accept and be free. The Priory has always taught the truths yet it is up to each individual, those whom are truly meant to know and to evolve beyond their human existence, whether they wish to remove their blindfolds or not….

One can make a big noise and launch as many orange balloons over London as one likes but directing ones energy to this mere drop in the ocean, this mere diversion in time, only serves well the purpose of those whom wish to keep you in blindness. Consider then if you will that path laid down for you, and the oportunities presented, for they all have a purpose and it is up tp you whether you go against the flow and rise up against the roar of the crowd or be forever blinded and deafened by the mundane pull of humanities blindness…

While it is important to respect the beliefs and opinions of others, even if they differ from our own, we must do so with open minds; for we are all different. We know instinctively what is right or wrong, yet sadly the truth is obliterated these days by what the main stream media deem us to know; what the so-called religous bodies deem us to know. Yet do either of them know about real truths, for they hide any real truths from us and shower us with a truth they think we deserve to know.

But we must all wake up from our slumbers for we are being manipulated for sure, yet each & everyone of us has the power to make up our own minds, for the truth is there to find and folks willing to share it Dont be manipuated by popular opinions and popular beliefs; rise up above the roar of the crowd, up above the clouds that fog the mind. This can mean standing alone, yet being true to ones self and to those beings whom lit the original flame of life that resides within us all.

‘Ge be Dag ma Dar be Ar’

‘The Keeper of Scrolls’ July 2018